Writing Update + Vienna + Alps
This is my last blog post as a college studennnnnnt. At least for a bit. I'm thrilled. I'll probably type up a college-y post sometime this summer where I blab about the past four years, and the many eccentric people I met, and the juicy, juicy gossip that was gleaned, and then I will read over that post and decide it must never see the light of day and delete it, so um . . . 👍A quick writing update: I'm on re-write number five of my next book, and it's super long, and it keeps getting LONGER, ack. I love it, though. It involves gods and monsters and the Moon, and a child with a creature living behind his ribs. I've just been really glacial at writing this past year, and I can't wait to be able to concentrate again after graduation. In the meantime, here's a mood-board of the general aesthetic, courtesy of all the fantastically talented artists with work up on Pinterest:
Vienna: I went to Vienna briefly for a friend's wedding two months ago, and this post is about that because I'M SLOW AT BLOGGING. It was only the second time I'd been. The first time was a super short 24 hour trip where I spent most of the time in a scorchingly hot TV studio in a warehouse. (It was a roundtable discussion of Literature and CultureTM and when we'd finished, one of the producers said "That's a wrap!" and the moderator was like "That's the most interesting thing anyone's said to me all day." 😂)This time I had a bit of time to hang out with friends and sight-see and there was no TV studio involved, so it was great.
I also went to the alps last week to finish my grad thesis, which is now handed off, and which I'm very anxious about. Also, final grad performance is next week 13.6.2017, 20 o' clock / 8PM, in case anyone wants to come listen to the strange music of five chamber musicians and a 3-D printer. :)Back to the alps:
The hotel was a bit Shining-esque. I met no ghosts that were recognisable as such. I also didn't use the elevator, though, so I can't say it's NOT full of blood.
And that's that! There are still a million things to organise for the performance next week and I'm moving away from Switzerland after graduation, so I need to hurry. In my next post I will be either a disgraced former music student with a flop final performance or a graduate, and either way I'll be off in foreign lands for work, and I'm very excited for all of it, whatever might happen.Hope everyone's well! :)