Tidbits and Interestings #7

 MilitaryI'm done!! I did it. It was an experience. I was going to do a big post about the ordeal, but since I'm still technically a member of the army until I'm 30-something and don't have time to get in trouble over snarking about it, I'm going to wait to tell delightful tales about things like. . .

  • That time our scariest sergeant made me sing the national anthem solo in front of our entire platoon (I'm not a singer by any stretch of the imagination.)
  • What tear-gas feels like (it hurts)
  • Shooting pistols in temperatures so cold our hands cracked (fun fact: the ordinance gloves they give you make your hands colder)
  • That time our sergeants were feeling particularly humane and we had to lie facedown in the gym and literally sweep the floor with our bodies.

I feel so accomplished.TravelI never posted the pictures from my Japan/South Korea/Hong Kong adventures from last year! I might still do that. In the meantime, I went into the mountains for a bit after military and it was dreamy and here are some pictures. I read books, hiked with the parents, stayed in a castle, ate good food, saw many tiny butterflies which are so tiny they didn't make it into any pictures. . . .  

  WritingI had no time to write during military, alas, so it feels very nice to get back to it now. I'm rewriting Monster Middle Grade for the 7th time, and as they say, SEVENTH TIME'S THE CHARM. (Do they say that? They should.) This book feels like an enormous puzzle and sloooooowly the pieces are coming together, and it's thrilling.MovingI'm off to Berlin for a while. I have a little garret and notebooks and pens and my laptop and music work to do, and I'm very much looking forward to it.Book eventsI'm doing one public book thing between military and moving away, and here it is, this coming weekend! It would be lovely to see you there. :)

Lesung in englischer Sprache im Rahmen des Festivals Lauschig - wOrte im Freien.
Park der Villa JakobsbrunnenSchwalmenackerstrasse 48400 WinterthurSchweiz
When: 08. Juni 2018, 19:00
Deutscher Part: Mira Frehner
Moderation: Dominik DusekMusik: Linda VogelWeiterer Autor: Hansjörg Schertenleib

And that's that! Farewell, friends. :)


Berlin Adventures


A Dream