RELEASE THE WOLVES - New publication date

I have newwwwws! Good news and bad news.

The bad news - Because the publishing industry is currently dealing with pandemic-related supply chain issues (paper shortages, labor shortages, all the shortages) a lot of books that were scheduled to release in 2022 are being pushed back. Alas, that includes RELEASE THE WOLVES. Instead of hitting shelves in the fall of this year, as was originally announced, it's been tentatively scheduled for Spring 2023.

The good news - The cover is being illustrated by my absolute dream artist. I can’t say who yet, but my editor sent me three concept sketches a few weeks ago, and they're incredible. I can't wait to show you guys the finished product.

(The picture above is not the cover, but I love it. I asked my mom to paint me a hand floating mysteriously in the water, and she most obligingly did so. The hand is deliberately dead and creepy-looking for reasons that will remain secret.)

So! In summary, the wolves are being a bit tardy and will not be released this year after all. Instead I might have two books releasing in 2023 (CLANDESTINE is also scheduled for then), which is exciting. In the meantime, add RELEASE THE WOLVES on Goodreads, and stay tuned for the cover reveal and an official synopsis in the coming months.

(Also, I have a newsletter now! You can sign up for it at the bottom of this page, and will get a handy email 3-4 times a year with all the good stuff about upcoming books, giveaways, blog posts, travelogues, etc.)

*runs back to writing cave*


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