Japan Adventures - Tokyo and Kyoto

  This post will be ONE GIANT THROWBACK THURSDAY. I never got around to blogging about being in Japan last year, but I took many pictures which I think are pyootiful - not because I know anything about photography but because Japan is so pretty you could have your camera on self-timer and just pirouette through the streets and you'd get lots of good pictures - so I figured I would do a massive post full of pictures or they will never see the light of day.Backstory: My mom was there for her 60th birthday. She made lovely paintings. I jogged around Nijo Castle every evening. We lived in a house in Kyoto made mostly of paper, and then Mom returned to Switzerland and I moved into an apartment the size of a small packing crate in the depths of Tokyo's Takadanobaba district. It was great. I've split this post very scientifically into phyla, classes, genera, and species, beginning with. . .Random Pretty Pictures            

      FOOD!!!Now I've gotten most of the fancy pictures out of the way, here are the food pictures.   Every department store in Tokyo has a food court in the basement with the vastest, most beautifulest array of pastries you will ever see.         Random pictures that are not artsy at all                      A Dance Thing and more random picturesIn Kyoto, we stumbled across some sort of dance event. I don't know exactly what it was and never quite found out, but doooooozens of colourfully costumed dance troupes were walking from point to point throughout the city and performing choreography and looking super happy. It was a cool thing to happen upon.   More random pretty pictures       And that's that! After leaving Japan, I went to South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, but I got very ill there and consequently took very few pictures, so we'll see if they get a post. I hope everyone's well! :) 


Tidbits and Interestings #8 - Purple Lemon Socks


Berlin Adventures