Hello friends. I’m deep in revisions for Release the Wolves, and on Thursday I’m off to Vienna, and a bit tew-tew much is happening, but here is a quick update post with some nice things, and book news, and art.
First of all, Die Letzten Hexen von Blackbird Castle swept merrily through the first round of votes and is now in the second round for the LovelyBooks community award for favorite young adult fantasy of the year here in Germany. (LovelyBooks is the German equivalent of Goodreads in the US, so I’m very happy about this news.) Thank you so much to everyone who read the book and voted!
There are six days left to vote for round two, so if you’d like to vote again, please do!
Die Letzten Hexen also got a nice review in the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Thank you very much to Fritz Göttler for discussing it.
Last week I was in Oldenburg for a book festival. Many students were spoken to, cool authors met, and nice dinners eaten. Thank you so much to the wonderful organizers, teachers, and students for the great visits.
My favorite reading room of the week. Gothic for days.
And here we have some new art and doodles from the past month. . . .
And lastly, a sneak-peak of work-in-progress secret project . . . More soon!